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Yarn, Patterns, and Goals

January 24, 2008

Nothin much to write today.  I don’t even know why I am making a post but I just feel like typing.

I guess I could start out with the fact that I got new yarn in the mail today!  Whoo Hooo!  I got something new for me.. Bernat Soy Natural blend (which is 50% soy and 50% acrylic).  I got it in SeaSalt (which is more of a baby blue color) and Flax (which is more of a tan/coffee with cream color).  I am making a baby blanket for a friend.  Unlike the others, this one is bringing me alot of joy.  It’s for my friend who has been trying for 13 years to have a baby.  She has suffered though more M/C’s in the first trimester than I care to count.  I have seen her go through the heartache–at first not understanding.  I was a teenager at that point and she in her twenties.  I knew that she hurt, but full understanding of the frustration still hasn’t come yet.  The main reason for that being because I have yet to experience any kind of pregnancy, much less the loss of one. 

The closest I have been to that is just the loss of hope in my own journey.  However, back to my joy.  They have had a good and relatively uncomplicated pregnancy to date and she is due in March.  I have started so early because I need to send it over to England and who knows how long postal will take and I’d like it to get there before the baby actually gets here.


 I’ve been reading just the first chapter and intro for Unsung Lullabies… I’ll be posting my thoughts on that probably Friday night or Saturday morning.


I did talk to my friend K today. We had a great chat that lasted for well over an hour.  Its been so long since we talked though (Christmas time) that there was a lot to catch up on and talk about.  We even had some good chattng about our apparent inability to have kids– at least not easily.  V.B.F (very best friend) called me back before I had my conversation with K that I wasn’t to tell anyone about the pregnancy of C so I didn’t tell K.  I must admit though that I am feelin kind of bad for not warning her about this–so I kind of have to decide what to do. 

Do I betray the confidence of one friend to spare another from being blindsided?  I hate being blindsided- especially with news like this.  I know I sound like its the end of the world when it really isn’t, but I am sure most of you understand my dillema.


So I may be going back to Florida for a visit in September.  My oldest brother is graduating from college and my Grandmother is goin.  She , however, can’t stand my father or his wife (same as my self) so she said she would pay for me to go and she’s conviced my Aunt (not really–shes my cousin but shes only a couple years younger than my Grandmother so I call her Aunt) to drive up from Ft. Lauderdale for the graduation as well.  The only thing that would stop me is if Hubby has field problems or gets deployed…then I’ll have no one to watch the dogs.  So while I would be excited to go its just not positive that it will happen.  Got to love Military life eh?

I am also being optimistic that I’ll be able to handle all the children and babies of the friends I haven’t seen in years. 

Well that is enough for tonight I suppose.  My fingers are staring to hurt and its way past my bed-time.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Allison permalink
    January 24, 2008 4:30 pm

    Honestly, I’d tell K. I’m always appreciative of the heads-up. As you said, I feel like I can respond more appropriately than if it is thrust in my face on a day when I am having trouble dealing.

  2. January 24, 2008 6:48 pm

    That yarn sounds fab!!! I’m jealous! 🙂 And I think it’s a good thing that you can keep the confidence of a friend. For me, that’s always the first consideration.. did I promise to keep it secret?

  3. January 24, 2008 8:45 pm

    Barb– *I* did not promise to keep it a secret… VBF told me before C told her that they want to keep it on the downlow.

    Im still conflicted…but leanin toward giving K the heads up

  4. January 24, 2008 11:13 pm

    It might be nice for your friend to have a little bit of a warning. I also have a friend dealing with IF and she has helped me on occasion by giving me advance warnings of our mutual friends’ pregnancies.

    The yarn sounds lovely. I also make baby blankets for those that are so blessed. Do you find that sometimes you’re better able to work on the blankets than others? Do you crochet or knit? From where do you get your yarn?

  5. womantowomancbe permalink
    January 28, 2008 5:43 pm

    My two cents–I’d suggest that you tell the one friend how horrible it is to be blind-sided by this sort of information, and that you don’t feel comfortable standing by and letting it happen to the other friend. The one friend can then take it upon herself to tell the other friend privately, or can give you permission to tell the other friend.

    And whatever happens, you may suggest to your friend that you don’t like knowing that sort of information and not being able to spare your other friends’ feelings, so ask that in the future she not burden you with this (if she says you can’t tell), or only to tell you if you are able to tell those who might be hurt.

  6. January 29, 2008 10:50 am

    Hey There! Just catching up on your blog! I got a tad behind. But I definitely think you should tell K about it.

    It’s not like she’s going to be blabbing it to the world and I would hate to feel like a few of my friends “hid” something from me that they were ok with sharing with each other.

    Anyway, it’s cool you got some new yarn. So many bloggers on here knit…it seems anyway. I don’t know if I have the patience! Ha ha! Good luck! I’ll keep reading now!

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