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Workin It Out

June 26, 2008

So the last few days have been pretty busy for us here which is why I haven’t really found enough time to write (that and Im still suffering from that block between my head and my fingers).

Anyway, the difficult thing about Infertility (one of the many many difficult things) is financing- adoptions both domestic and international cost money, even the most simple (excuse the snort that accompanies that) of ART procedures.  The cost isn’t relieved by any kind of insurance coverage.

So the hubbs and I have been trying to figure out how we can grow our family from the financial aspect.  So we have put together everything we owe and the highest total assumed cost for adoptions and settled on a five year plan (that would make me 30–figures that was when I’d planned on having my family complete, not just gettin started). 

So I’ve opened an online store that will strictly be for those two things- debt reduction and savings increase. There are alot of products in there (I think something like 1500) from electronic, video games (Wii,xbox360,etc), home decor,etc.

I think that maybe I’ll feature a particular product in the side bar every once in a while.

So all I ask that you (dear reader) bookmark the shop and when ya need something check it out first (or second,third) or at least give it a consideration.

The Corner Bazaar

2 Comments leave one →
  1. JellyBelly permalink
    June 26, 2008 4:16 pm

    i love ebay so i’ll definitely be visiting your eBay store.

  2. JellyBelly permalink
    June 26, 2008 4:48 pm

    btw, where’d you get all that stuff?

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